My Nails and My Feet

It’s unlikely you will flip open a magazine and see a model with poorly manicured nails. Probably because callused feet and unkempt nails are not very pleasant to look at -- ultimately distracting from the advertisement. Taking care of your extremities will make you appear put-together. It can also give you a very feminine feeling which will add to your overall attractiveness. Moisturizer can go a long way and they should be on every girl's regular to-do lists.

Simple sheer pinks or nude colors are a perfectly natural way to display your hands and feet. Whether you are working or going about your daily activities, having a manicured look gives a great impression and lets people know you take care of yourself. You never know who is watching, like a future employer, which is motivation to maintain a polished look. It’s not always affordable to make a regular trip to the nail salon and some of us don’t have the time. Here are a few tips on self-manicures as well as some advice on how to manage your nails in between salon visits.

Nail Tips
1. Always have nail polish on hand for a quick coat to give your nail strength. This will help prevent your nails from chipping as often.
2. Carry a nail file. It's always great to have a nail file nearby in case of emergencies or if you are bored you can clean up and even out your nails to pass the time.
3. When doing housework or gardening, wear rubber gloves. This will help keep your nails clean and help prevent breakage. Chemicals can also cause dryness, which in turn could make your nails brittle and unappealing.
4. Apply hand moisturizer as often as possible. Try having your favorite moisturizer near you when you watch TV, and next to your hand soap in the bathroom or kitchen. Moisturizing will not only make your hands soft but can also help strengthen your nails.
5. Keep your nails at a manageable length. I love long nails but I know my clumsiness would never allow me to have them for a long period of time. I keep my nails short so they are always even and beautiful.
6. Try to file your nails in a shape that mirrors the curve of your nail base. 
7. When applying nail polish, don't shake the bottle, as this will create air bubbles. Try rolling the bottle back and forth between your hands.
8. Before applying nail polish, wipe your nails with nail polish remover to remove natural oils and any residues so your nail polish won't peel as easily.
9. When painting your nails, start with a base coat to strengthen and protect. Then
finish your polish with a clear topcoat to add shine.
Healthy Diet = Happy Nails.

Standing on your feet all day in heels is a treacherous task. The pain of high heels not only gives you aching feet but an aching lower back as well. Models know this feeling all too well because the shoes worn in photos or on the runway aren't always the right size – ouch! Let’s not forget the awful things our feet go through in normal daily lives and exercise routines. Because our feet carry us every day, we should appreciate them and give them extra care.

Foot Care
Taking care of your feet isn't only relaxing but it can make you more beautiful. Cracked, peeling feet are unattractive to look at and many times can be very painful.

Rough Feet – If your feet are rough and callused, using a pumice stone is a great way to rub off the hard skin. If you have never tried this method before be careful not to take off too much or it could be sore.

Soften Your Feet – At night, take a bath or soak your feet in warm water. Then coat your feet in a heavy foot cream (Vaseline or petroleum jelly works well too). After throwing on a pair of heavy socks and hop into bed. When you wake up in the morning your feet will feel soft and

Honey Foot Soak
For those really long days, a foot soak is worth the small amount of effort.
Grab a foot soak tub and make this honey concoction.
  • 1 tbs honey
  • 1 tbs liquid Soap (dish soap works)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbs almond oil

Fill the tub with warm water. Add the mixture and soak for about 10 minutes. Since honey is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal antioxidant it serves as a perfect ingredient. Raw honey has even been known to cure athlete's foot.



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