How to stay fit


The greatest argument for being fit and exercising regularly is longevity. If it's not convincing enough, regular exercise fights depression, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and aids in cognitive function.
Let's talk about the cosmetic effects of staying fit. The beauty benefits are so great when it comes to your skin, hair, and toning you can't look your absolute best without routinely hitting the gym, going for a long hike, or participating in any other form of exercise.

Increasing circulation from exercise activity will deliver oxygen and nutrients to your body at high

performance, you’ll notice glowing skin after a workout. The extra boost can infuse skin cells with oxygen, helping collagen production and plumping skin cells. This means you can fight signs of aging and get rosy cheeks in the process!

Weight Reducer
Some benefits of routine workouts are toning, better posture, weight loss, and balance. These results are ideal for anyone looking to better their physique. Being active will burn the extra calories your body may not use if it were inactive, instead of storing them as fat.

Acne & Hair

Exercise isn't an acne solution but it can help control breakouts. Doctors say exercise mediates the production of testosterone-related hormones (DHEA & DHT) -- the horrid chemicals related to acne. Sweating even helps with acne because it unclogs pores.
The extra blood and oxygen your heart pumps from exercise nourish brain cells making them more active. This extra activity elevates natural serotonin production (the chemical which makes you happy and content). It also stimulates your endorphins (the feel-good chemical from the brain – giving you an overall feeling of euphoria) equaling less stress, anxiety, and depression. A good work out can alleviate the daily pressures and hardships you might face in everyday life.
Forget the myth about women who use weights will look like a bodybuilder; we don't have enough testosterone. Weights can actually break up pockets of cellulite by firming your muscles which can push the fat up and out. Not only will using weights redefine your muscles to work more efficiently but with the right diet and work out regimen you can sculpt your muscles into a work of art.



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