Ways to Give Proper Hair Care

Part of a complete beauty routine includes hair maintenance. Haircare, styling, and products are all integral parts of a personalized look. The smallest change to a boring braid or predictable curl can give an air of trendsetting style and sophistication. Hair makes its own statement. Try these helpful tips for healthy, stylish, and glamorous hair

Dry Hair Rescue

Daily Life can take its toll on hair. Hair gets flat-ironed, curled, pulled on, and blown-out, with sometimes no break, as your routine can be every day. When you notice your hair is starting to feel like straw, it's time to put on a deep conditioner or hair mask overnight. There are many products out there to fit all budgets. If you're strapped for cash don't worry about paying salon prices. Simply go down to your local store or online store to pick up a moisturizing hair mask.

What to do:
Apply the mask as directed on the package. Most will tell you to leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse. I suggest to pick up a shower cap with the product and start the treatment before bed and leave it overnight. It will not harm your hair to leave in longer than directed ensuring you are receiving the full effects of the product.

Top two causes for dry hair:

Over Shampooing: Most people think squeaky clean hair equals healthy hair. However, shampoos contain cleansing chemicals stripping your hair of the natural oils which keep it moisturized. Make sure to use proper amounts of product so you won’t have to over shampoo to get them out.
Heat: Using curling irons/straighteners, blow dryers, hot curlers, and heat, in general, is a recipe for dry damaged hair.


This tip is to all my fellow long-haired beauties. Please for the love of everything that's hairy, use a hair detangler. The time to break it out is when it's still difficult to brush through after using a conditioner.
When you brush your hair in a hurry it's easy to rip through knots to get the job done. This WILL destroy your hair. The weaker strands of hair can break off causing a frizz look. Not pretty. This means more products to control it leaving your hair susceptible to drying out because of all the cleansers and shampoos you will have to use to get out extra products.
Be kind to your hair.

What to do:
After you get out of the shower towel to dry your hair. Then apply a detangler to your damp hair. Most leave-in conditioners also work well as a detangler. Grab your brush and start from the bottom of your beautiful locks and work your way through the knots to the top – one knot at a time.


Since hair can get damaged from styling and highlights, fly-aways or broken strands of hair occur, sticking up when you want them to lay down. There are different tricks to keep them under control, mostly with the use of products to give you the perfect “hair color box” look. 

1. One way to tame fly-aways is by using a glob of anti-frizz serum after you are done styling your hair. Smooth it evenly over the top of your hair, as well as the tips. This will weigh down some of the rogue hair but it doesn't eliminate all of them. You can find anti-frizz serum at any drug store. 

2. My favorite frizz control technique is to spray a full bristled brush with hairspray and comb lightly over the problem area. 

3. Another great solution is to use a hair molding cream or wax product. These types of products are usually heavier and can take on the job. If you use too much it can leave your hair looking dirty. Use lightly!


Hair Nutrition

Diet, exercise, and nutrition can affect the vibrancy of your flowing hair. Exercising causes more blood flow which can aid in the delivery of additional nutrients and oxygen to your follicles for healthy, shiny hair. For the same reason, exercise will bring more nutrients to your skin cells for a
glowing complexion. 
Diet is the other hair health helper. Since your hair is 97% protein, low protein diets can take the robustness out of your locks. The most damaging aspect of beautiful hair can be rapid weight loss. It's been proven crash diets make hair fall out because of how it can stress the body.
Lack of nutrition will also cause slow hair growth. 

Dry Shampoo
How To Deal With 2nd Day Oily Hair

Dry shampoo is a hair’s secret weapon. The solution to dirty or oily hair, dry shampoo acts as an absorbent, leaving hair with a fresh scent without the use of water.

When to use:
1. A great time to use dry shampoo is when you’re on the go and you don't have time to wash your hair.

2. This powdery product is ideal for blondes who have roots that are starting to come in. Roots heavy with oil can make the roots appear darker. Using dry shampoo will lighten up the darker shades slightly, letting you get away with fewer trips to the salon.

3. The second and/or third day after you wash your hair is my favorite time for using this product to help in between washes. Washing your hair every day will dry it out leaving it dull and damaged.
If you run out of dry shampoo, try baby powder in its place.



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